Articles, tips and ideas to become a better Rails UI engineer and front-end designer.
- Translations in Stimulus Controllers
- JavaScript for Rails Developers is Coming Soon
- Using the Keyboard with Stimulus
- Build a Notion-like editor with Rails, part 2
- Create a Animated Counter in Stimulus
- Introducing Rails Vault: simple to add settings to any Active Record model
- How to Send Requests from Stimulus Controllers
- Build a Notion-like editor with Rails
- Multiple component variants with Tailwind
- Rails link_to_if and link_to_unless
- Free Icon Libraries for Rails Apps
- Introducing Rails Stats
- Use cases for Turbo's Custom Events
- How to order attributes on HTML elements
- The Best of 2024 from Rails Designer (number 1 won't surprise you 🤪)
- Use Tailwind CSS with Your Rails Forms
- Introducing Rails UI Audit
- Announcing Stimulus FX
- Rails Icons 1.0.0 is here
- Simple accordion without JavaScript
- Advanced Stimulus: Custom Action Options
- Why Disconnect in Stimulus Controllers
- Stimulus Features You (Didn't) Know
- Spacer Components introduced in ViewComponent 3.20
- Inline Unsupported Browser Warning (using Rails 7.2 feature)
- Inheritance with Stimulus Controller
- Don't expose primary id's with Rails' dom_id
- Announcing: Build a SaaS with Ruby on Rails
- Rails' Partial Features You (didn't) Know
- Mathematical and Optically alignment in (visual/UI) design
- Store UI State in localStorage with Stimulus
- Use Action Cable with Your Main PostgreSQL Database
- Hotwire and Stimulus Tools You Need to Know
- Basic Autocomplete Without JavaScript using Datalist
- Tailwind CSS Patterns
- Broadcast Turbo Streams without Redis
- New: Rails Development Tool
- How do Turbo Streams Work (behind the scenes)
- Changing CSS as You Scroll with Stimulus
- Announcing JavaScript for Rails Developers
- Rails UI Components Library Tips and Tricks
- Smooth Transitions with Turbo Streams
- S3 Alternatives for Rails' ActiveStorage
- ActiveStorage Direct Upload with Stimulus
-, Elite Ruby on Rails Product Engineers & UI Designers
- Drag & Drop Images with Preview using Stimulus Outlets
- Conditionally Style Turbo Frame Content
- Fix Any CSS Z-index Issue With This One Trick
- Create a Resizable Navigation with Stimulus
- Connected and Disconnected Target Callbacks with Stimulus
- Building Nested Forms in Rails with Stimulus
- Refactor Stimulus.js Controllers to Use Change Callbacks
- Launch a Turbo Modal with URL Params Using Stimulus
- Tidy up your Rails code with `inquiry`
- Better Inline Validation for Rails Forms (with ViewComponent or partials)
- Introducing: Beautiful Layouts for Your Rails App
- When to Use call, erb_template, or html.erb in Rails ViewComponents?
- Nested Forms With Turbo (without dependencies)
- Nested Layouts with Ruby on Rails
- Preview an Image Before Upload with Hotwire/Stimulus
- New Rails Designer Tool: beautiful Tailwind CSS gradients
- From Partials (and Helpers) to Embracing ViewComponent in Rails
- Use CSS' `only-child` instead of `if/else` logic
- Inline Save and Add Another with Rails and Hotwire
- 5 UI Components Libraries for Ruby on Rails (updated for 2025)
- Add a “X is writing…” with Rails and Turbo
- Create a String to Color Helper with Ruby
- Rails Designer V1 is here!
- Add a custom Tailwind CSS class for reusability and speed
- UI Design Tips Using Tailwind CSS for Developers
- When to use `link_to` and `button_to` in Rails
- How to add “Save and add another” feature to Rails apps
- How to Create an Undo Action with Rails
- How Layouts Work in Rails
- How to disable Rails Form's `.field_with_errors`
- Update a Progress Bar using Turbo Streams (using Custom Actions)
- PayPal is Now Accepted
- Lesser Known Rails Helpers to Write Cleaner View Code
- Communicating between Stimulus Controllers using Outlets API
- Customize the Turbo Progress Bar
- Inline SVG Icons in Your Rails App
- Custom Confirm Dialog For Turbo and Rails
- Simple Preferences to Any Resource for Rails
- How to Create a Stimulus Toggle Class Controller
- How to Add Disabled State to Buttons with Turbo & Tailwind CSS
- New in Rails Designer: the Command Menu Component
- How to Work with Forms inside Forms in Rails
- Hidden Gems of Tailwind CSS
- ViewComponent over Turbo Stream Broadcasts
- Hello 100 Rails Designers!
- Introducing Rails Icons: One Gem to Rule Them All
- Guide to Slots in Rails' ViewComponent
- Easy Peasy Form Validation Errors with Rails Turbo Frames (modals)
- Data-Attributes Magic with Tailwind CSS & Stimulus
- How to Toggle Multiple CSS Classes with Stimulus
- How to Properly Structure Stimulus Controller
- Make Your Rails App Future Proof: Move From React to Hotwire
- Custom Meta Titles in Rails Apps: A Quick Guide
- How to implement and customize Rails Flash Messages (notifications)
- Why choose ViewComponent over Rails partials
- Conditionally Add CSS Classes in Your Stimulus Controllers
- Conditionally Add CSS Classes to Your Views and Components
- How to add a skeleton UI to Rails with Turbo
- How to add Hotkeys to your Rails App with Stimulus
- Favicons in Rails Apps (updated for 2025)
- The missing UI Components Library for Rails: Introducing Rails Designer
- Missing Styles from Tailwind CSS in ViewComponent?
- How to create Modals with Rails and Hotwire (and Tailwind CSS)
- Quicktips for ViewComponent with Tailwind CSS/Hotwire