Announcing JavaScript for Rails Developers

Learn more about the why, TOC and publish date 👀

Over the past 25 or so years I’ve dabbled with various programming languages. From ASP, to PHP to ActionScript (who remembers this?!). But for well over 10 years my main languages are Ruby and JavaScript. In that order.

I try to write as much Ruby as possible. But if you build modern web/SaaS apps, there is simply no way you can do without writing JavaScript. Even with all the fantastic Hotwire tools.

Over those 10+ years I’ve come to enjoy JavaScript quite a bit. And when I launched Rails Designer I got many a question to help other teams with their JavaScript. And then often, after a successful project, the question (request?): you should write a book!

So I’m (pre) announcing: JavaScript for Rails Developers. It will be a really pragmatic book about using JavaScript in your Rails (SaaS) apps. From learning when to use JavaScript or use CSS instead to more advanced features like Promises.

If you have been a Rails developer who has cursed at JavaScript, this book might be for you. If you’ve been a Rails developer avoiding JavaScript at all costs, this book is what you need. For Rails developers who’ve wished JavaScript would just disappear, this book might change your mind.

📚 Pre-order right away (with 4050% discount!) 🤑 or learn more. 🤓

Get UI & Product Engineering Insights for Rails Apps (and product updates!)

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UI components Library for Ruby on Rails apps

$ 99 one-time

  • One-time Payment

  • Access to the Entire Library

  • Built using ViewComponent

  • Designed with Tailwind CSS

  • Enhanced with Hotwire

Fractional Rails UI Product Engineer

$ 2k month

  • UI Modernization

  • Fractional UI and feature improvement

  • JavaScript untaming

  • No full-time commitment

Launch a Rails SaaS app in a month

$ 15k one-time

Book a call
  • Modern Rails app

  • Ready for paying customers in one month

  • 2 - 3 core features

  • You own every line of code