Articles to Write Better Ruby on Rails Code

Write Rails code you can be proud of. Whether you're just starting out or have been shipping Rails apps for years, there's always a new approach or pattern worth knowing about.

  1. Rails' Partial Features You (didn't) Know
  2. Use Action Cable with Your Main PostgreSQL Database
  3. Tidy up your Rails code with `inquiry`
  4. Better Inline Validation for Rails Forms (with ViewComponent or partials)
  5. Nested Layouts with Ruby on Rails
  6. 5 UI Components Libraries for Ruby on Rails (in 2024)
  7. Create a String to Color Helper with Ruby
  8. When to use `link_to` and `button_to` in Rails
  9. How to add “Save and add another” feature to Rails apps
  10. How to Create an Undo Action with Rails