Boost Your Earnings by Empowering Rails Devs!

Rails Designer Affiliate Program

Looking for a way to amp up your earnings while sharing a top-tier Rails tool? The Rails Designer Affiliate Program is here! Ideal for those with an audience full of Rails buffs, ready to spruce up their app designs.

Rails Designer isn't just any UI Components Library. It's the secret sauce for beautifying Rails applications, built with ViewComponent, designed with Tailwind CSS, and enhanced with Hotwire. Promoting Rails Designer not only backs the Rails community with a valuable resource but also lines your pockets with a 25% commission for every sale.

With a 30-day cookie window, the chances of earning from later decisions increase. Just remember: no shady tactics or bidding on keyword ads—just straight-up, honest promotion.

Drop your details in the form below. Share a bit about who's tuning into your content and how you plan to spotlight Rails Designer.