Rails Designer Initializer
After you installed Rails Designer UI Components Library you will find a new initializer (config/initializers/rails_designer.rb
). This files holds various settings and preferences to make Rails Designer work for you.
Settings around the internals for the library.
Enables the Components Library (added via the routes.rb at /rails_designer/
). Defaults to false
If your app uses antialising (eg. antialiased
), you can enable this so the Components Library matches your app.
Some components have additional actions assigned, eg. injecting a turbo-frame id="modal"
element in your application layout for the modal component. You can disable these actions by setting it to false
. Defaults to true
Set an alternative base controller for the Rails Designer library. Defaults to ApplicationController
Rails Designer comes with a few helpers out-of-the-box to clean- and dry-up your code. It’s an array with the enabled helpers. Defaults to []
(no helpers enabled).
Set the default directory for the generated layouts.
If you want to disable the feedback button in the bottom-left of the Components Library (because you already gave feedback or shared your product!), you can set it to true. Defaults to false
Settings for ViewComponent files.
Some components use a primary color. You can set your preferred color here. Should be one of Tailwind CSS’ default colors. Defaults to sky
Similar to the primary_color
, you can set your preferred Tailwind CSS’ gray color. Defaults to gray
By default the generated components are stored in app/components
. Change it if you prefer a different destination.
If you want to add the components in a specific module, say RailsDesigner
you can set it here. It’s important that the module matches the components_destination_directory
. Example: if your module is RailsDesigner
, the components_destination_directory
should include this too, eg. app/components/rails_designer/
Set a different base class for the Rails Designer components. If your app has a ApplicationComponent
that is used, otherwise defaults to ViewComponent::Base
Various settings around the Stimulus files.
Set a different directory for the included stimulus controllers (and its helpers). Default is app/javascript/controllers/
Choose a different parent controller for the Stimulus controller, eg. ApplicationController
. Defaults to Controller
Pointer to the parent controller, eg. ./application_controller
. Defaults to @hotwired/stimulus