How to Create a Stimulus Toggle Class Controller

Toggling CSS classes on elements is a really common thing to do in webapps. Stimulus makes this really easy. This is the full controller:

import { Controller } from "@hotwired/stimulus"

export default class extends Controller {
  static classes = ["toggle"]

  toggle() {

And you use it like this:

<button data-controller="toggle-class" data-toggle-class-toggle-class="show-button">
  Click me

You can pass it multiple classes too, great if you use Tailwind CSS. See this article about toggling multiple classes for more details on how this works.

<button data-controller="toggle-class" data-toggle-class-toggle-class="border-gray-200 shadow-xl" class="border shadow-lg">
  Click me
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UI components for Ruby on Rails apps

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  • Built using ViewComponent

  • Designed with Tailwind CSS

  • Enhanced with Hotwire