Get Access to Rails Designer's UI Components Library
A super affordable, one-time price to get access to Rails Designer's vast UI components library. Tuesday is a great day to build beautiful, faster.
Infinite Most popular
$ 299 one-time
payment16 teams went Infinite last week! 💫
- Unlimited projects
- Access to the entire library
- Unlimited Updates
$ 99 one-time
payment11 developers grabbed a copy last week 😎
- Just 1 project
- Access to the entire library
- Updates for 12 months
How does it work?
Rails Designer is packaged as a private gem. The gem comes with a generator to copy components to your app from the library (or manual, like so: bin/rails generator rails_designer:component Elements::Avatar
). You can then tweak the component however you want or choose one of the many variants from the library in the gem.
What are the tech specs?
All components are as vanilla-Rails as possible. This means ERB and no external gems for view-related code (other than ViewComponent). There are some third-party packages used for the included Stimulus controllers. For Ruby code Standard is used, and for JavaScript Eslint. Tested against Ruby (3.0.0), Rails (~> 7.0, inc. 8.0), Tailwind CSS (~> 4.0) and ViewComponent (~> 3.0) versions.
Is ViewComponent or Tailwind CSS required?
Yes, those are critical tools used. Want a more vanilla set up with partials, helpers and vanilla CSS? Check out Vanilla Rails UI Components.
Can I use Rails Designer with my team?
Yes. All components are available, via the Components Library, inside your app to all your developers (eg. /rails_designer/) in your development environment.
I am a beginner. Is Rails Designer the right choice for me?
No. While Rails Designer is not difficult to use, it requires you to have an understanding of ViewComponent, Tailwind CSS, and Hotwire. That’s all a bit too much when you’re just starting out. Rails Designer is typically used by professional developers who want to build a new profitable SaaS or side project, and by teams/companies that want to improve their UI capabilities.
Can I upgrade Solo to Infinite?
Sure. Just reach out and I’ll send you a discount code to cover the price difference.
What happens after 12 months for Solo?
You can still use the components you added in your app, without limitations, but won’t be able to pull in upgrades of the library. Get a new license here or get Infinite for unlimited updates.
Got a license/terms?
Certainly. Check out the lawyer-speak one here and for humans, check out these.
Can I hire you to help us with our Rails product?
Yes, the Tailor-made UI Package is for that. Need a SaaS (or internal product) done in one month? I can help with that too.
Who is behind this?
That is me, Eelco 👋 I’m a designer, turned developer, turned founder of multiple successful SaaS businesses. Currently working on a few small new SaaS’, so lots of inspiration for new UI components. 😅 I also help others start their SaaS and help teams with product engineering/UI.