
Quickstart guide

Thanks so much for choosing Rails Designer! ❤️ You have joined many Rails teams and solo-developers around the globe to build beautiful, faster.

Rails Designer is packaged as a private gem. This allows for new components, updated variants and so on, to be just one bundle update away.

One command to install

The quickest way to install Rails Designer is to run this command in your Rails app’s folder: rails app:template LOCATION="".

You are asked for both your preferred primary- and gray color.

Preview of the quickstart CLI command to install Rails Designer in your app

View the Component Library

After restarting your server, you can navigate to /rails_designer to view the Rails Designer Components Library. This is where you can find all available components and their variants.

Generate your first component

You are ready to generate your first Rails Designer Component, for example the Badge Component. Simply click the Run Generator or do it manually: bin/rails generate rails_designer:component Elements::Badge.

If you find yourself needing a bit of help with any of these steps, even after giving them a good try, don’t hesitate to reach out to support.