Form Builder
Built on top of Tailwind CSS’ forms plugin, Rails Designer’s Form Builder will make every input look good. All while using the Rails form helpers interface you love.
You can write your forms just like you did before:
<%= form.text_field :name %>
Which, with the default CSS, will look like this:
Check the DOM; those Tailwind CSS classes are added to the input field for you!
To start using the Form Builder, make sure you are on the latest Rails Designer. Then check config/initializer/rails_designer.rb that form_builder
is added in the config.view_helpers
array. Make sure to restart your server after changing it.
If you want to use the Form Builder on all forms, add default_form_builder RailsDesigner::FormBuilder
in your ApplicationController.
Or do it per form, like so: <%= form_with model:, builder: RailsDesigner::FormBuilder do |form| %>
You can use all the common, input types that are supported like normal. Every regular attribute is supported too. From text_field, to url_field and week_field.
<%= form.text_area :about, placeholder: "Tell us about yourself…" %>
You can override the class if needed:
<%= form.text_area :about, class: "px-4 py-2 bg-pink-200 border-pink-600 rounded-full" %>
If you only need to append one or two Tailwind CSS classes, you can use additional_class
<%= form.text_area :about, additional_class: "rounded-full" %>
Supported form field types
There is support for the following field types:
- text_field
- email_field
- password_field
- search_field
- telephone_field
- url_field
- number_field
- date_field
- time_field
- datetime_field
- datetime_local_field
- month_field
- week_field
- text_area (aliased textarea)
- check_box (aliased checkbox)
- radio_button
- select
- file_field
- collection_select
- collection_check_boxes (aliased collection_checkboxes)
- collection_radio_buttons
Custom form inputs
Rails Designer’s Form Builder also has a few custom input types. These are common input types but styled differently.
- radio_pills (based off collection_radio_buttons);
- toggle (based off check_box).
Smart Inputs
A typical input field is wrapped in an element and has a label. For those cases, you can use input
. It works like this:
<%= form.input :name %>
It will wrap the text_field
input in a div-element (or if present the FieldComponent) and a label (checks presence of LabelComponent). It is smart enough to check for certain types based on the attribute name. For example:
<%= form.input :email %>
…will create a email_field
You can use the FieldComponent to consistently wrap your form inputs. Works great with the FormLabelComponent too.
Add it by running rails g rails_designer:component FormElements::Field
A complete example, including FormLabelComponent, looks like this:
<%= render do |field| %>
<% field.with_label { render form, field: :company_email, label: "Company Email") } %>
<% field.with_hint { "It's advised to use your actual company email" } %>
<%= form.email_field :company_email %>
<% end %>
If you want you can update the default CSS. Head over to config/initializer/rails_designer.rb and look for/add these values:
# config.form_builder.input_css = ""
# config.form_builder.file_field_css = ""
# config.form_builder.toggle_input_css = ""
# config.form_builder.toggle_label_css = ""