
Component Generator

All of Rails Designer’s Components can be used in your app, by selecting the Run Generator button at the top-right of each component.

Gif of showing how to run the Component Generator from the Library

Note: With Post Generator Actions enabled, they will automatically execute, requiring no further action from you.

If you prefer, you can also run the the generator command manually, like this:

bin/rails generate rails_designer:component Elements::Badge

Notice how it is similar to the ViewComponent generator? The biggest difference is the part after rails_designer:component (Elements::Badge). It consists of at least two parts:

  • category (eg. Elements)
  • component name (eg. Badge)

This matches the categories in the Components Library.

In rare cases a component is nested, like so: Elements::Avatar::Grouped. This usually happens when the component uses another component as a base (eg. AvatarComponent).

Optional resource

Some components allow an optional resource attribute, the AvatarComponent for example. The command to run then becomes:

bin/rails generate rails_designer:component Elements::Avatar Person

Here Person is passed as the resource attribute (default is User). That is because, the AvatarComponent, uses ActiveStorage to check for an attached avatar.


Add the --help flag to view the command’s help.

bin/rails generate rails_designer:component --help