
Global Hotkeys in Rails with Stimulus

Global Hotkeys empower your users with the ability to navigate through your Rails app using keyboard shortcuts. For instance, they can press g followed by h to navigate to the homepage, or Shift+? to open a help modal.

  • Default # Get this component

    Add Global Hotkeys that apply to all pages of your app.⚠️ JavaScript is disabled for this preview.

    This is a JavaScript only component. No preview available.

  • Add Global Hotkeys to specific pages.⚠️ JavaScript is disabled for this preview.

    This is a JavaScript only component. No preview available.

The library of components is continuously evolving, with new components added regularly. See the roadmap for a glimpse of future enhancements, and check out the changelog for the latest additions and updates.

UI components for Ruby on Rails apps

$ 129 one-time

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  • Built using ViewComponent

  • Designed with Tailwind CSS

  • Enhanced with Hotwire