
Confirm (destructive) actions manually with Stimulus

Sometimes you have destructive actions in your app: deleting a project or purging an account. In those cases you’d might make the action a bit harder than normal. For example to have your user type DELETE (or the project’s name). Or you could have them check a checkbox (or two). This nifty Rails Designer component does just that. Simple to set up, easy to use.

  • Enter Text # Get this component

    ⚠️ JavaScript is disabled for this preview.

    Warning: You are about to permanently delete the project “Spinal Builder”. Type DELETE to confirm.

  • With one checkbox # Get this component

    ⚠️ JavaScript is disabled for this preview.

    Warning: You are about to permanently delete the project “Spinal Builder”. This action cannot be undone.

  • With multiple checkboxes # Get this component

    ⚠️ JavaScript is disabled for this preview.

    Warning: You are about to permanently delete the project “Spinal Builder”. This action cannot be undone.

The library of components is continuously evolving, with new components added regularly. See the roadmap for a glimpse of future enhancements, and check out the changelog for the latest additions and updates.

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