Tips and Tricks to Improve your Hotwire (Turbo and Stimulus) Knowledge

Everything you need to know about making Rails apps feel snappy and modern with Hotwire. From basic Turbo Drive to real-time updates with Streams, plus all the Stimulus tricks!

Want to become more comfortable writing your own JavaScript and understand the JavaScript written by others? Check JavaScript for Rails Developers.

  1. ViewComponent over Turbo Stream Broadcasts
  2. Easy Peasy Form Validation Errors with Rails Turbo Frames (modals)
  3. How to Toggle Multiple CSS Classes with Stimulus
  4. How to Properly Structure Stimulus Controller
  5. How to implement and customize Rails Flash Messages (notifications)
  6. Conditionally Add CSS Classes in Your Stimulus Controllers
  7. How to add a skeleton UI to Rails with Turbo
  8. How to add Hotkeys to your Rails App with Stimulus
  9. How to create Modals with Rails and Hotwire (and Tailwind CSS)